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WRAP Formalized in Statute

On November 15, President Biden signed the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. This Act will deliver more than $50 billion to EPA to improve our nation’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. What that means for water reuse:

  • EPA will establish and chair a Water Reuse Interagency Working Group by May 2022, comprised of federal agency representatives.
  • Provides $1.7 billion for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and $1 billion for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for emerging contaminants.
  • Provides $1 billion for Bureau of Reclamation water recycling and reuse projects, including $450 million for a new for large-scale water recycling and reuse completive grant program.
  • Authorizes the Bureau of Reclamation to provide technical and/or financial assistance to states and tribes for groundwater recharge, aquifer storage, and water source substitution projects.

 Action Highlights

Activities and Events

December 7, 14, 16 – Free DOE virtual workshop to help inform the Advanced Manufacturing Office’s future research, development, and deployment programs (registration link). 

December 8-9 – Free NAWI Alliance Fall Meeting: Understanding Water and Agriculture (registration link).

December 10 & 17 and January 7 – Bureau of Reclamation is proactively engaging with tribes and stakeholders to share information regarding the implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Please contact to receive an invitation for the upcoming live online sessions.

January 13 – Life-Cycle Analysis to Support Cost-Effective Enhanced Aquifer Recharge solicitation closes (request for applications).

For more details about the below action highlights and upcoming events, please visit the Recent and Upcoming Water Reuse Activities page.
  • Water Recycling in Small and Disadvantaged Communities – This training webinar recording can help water managers in small and resource-limited communities learn what it takes to be successful in developing and implementing wastewater reuse and stormwater capture and use projects (Action 8.5: Engagement with Disadvantaged and Rural Communities on Water Reuse).
  • Improving Permitting Processes to Support New Water Management Technologies and Strategies – This webinar recording presents findings and insights from recent research, WRAP actions, and specific case studies to explore how water permitting affects the implementation of water recycling, energy recovery, nature-based solutions, and other innovative water management approaches. Presenters explore whether and how changes in water permitting processes and dynamics can help advance water innovation and overcome barriers to implementation (Action 2.6: Develop Materials on How CWA NPDES Permits can Facilitate Water Reuse; Action 2.16: Support Local and Regional Reuse Projects by Identifying Challenges, Opportunities, and Models for Interagency Collaboration; Action 3.3: Convene Experts on Urban Stormwater Capture and Use).
  • Life-Cycle Analysis to Support Cost-Effective Enhanced Aquifer Recharge Request for Applications – A copy of EPA’s informational webinar provides an overview on the application, submission, and peer review processes and eligibility for a new Science to Achieve Results (STAR) research grant opportunity. The request for application closing date is January 13 (Action 7.7: Life-Cycle Analysis to Support Cost-Effective Enhanced Aquifer Recharge).

Water Projects Selected for WIFIA Loans

EPA announced the FY21 projects selected to apply for a WIFIA loan. EPA selected 39 projects that will protect public health and water quality, including projects focused on wastewater collection and treatment, drinking water supply, distribution and treatment, stormwater management, and water reuse. There are 4 additional projects waitlisted. The selected projects will be supported by a cumulative $6.7 billion in WIFIA loans that will support over $15 billion in water infrastructure investment. The WIFIA loans will help finance investments to protect against extreme weather and climate change, address lead and emerging contaminants, and modernize aging infrastructure. Nationwide, these WIFIA loans will benefit 25 million people in 24 states, including 14 projects to support underserved and under-resourced communities and 3 projects to support small communities.


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EPA established this listserv to communicate occasional updates about the progress that federal, state, tribal, and local partners across the water user community have made to advance the consideration of water reuse. Your personal contact information has not been shared with third parties.